Uploading Files in ASP.NET 2.0
You seem up in the air about how to do this, so I'll give you a few ideas to get you going.
If you want to use a file system make sure you know the limit of how many files are permitted per directory, so you can set up a system that creates subdirectories. http://ask-leo.com/is_there_a_limit_to_what_a_single_folder_or_directory_can_hold.html
I would make a table something like this :
UploadID int identity/auto generate PK, used as FK in other tables
InternalFileName string
DisplayFileName string
Comment string
MimeType string
FileSizeBytes int
FileHash string MD5 Hash of a File
UploadUserID int FK to UserID
UploadDate date
You would include the UploadID in the table that "owns" this upload, like the Order associated with it, etc. You could add the InternalDirectory
column, but I prefer to calculate this based on a constant Root value + some key specific value. For example, the complete file name and directory would be:
You could make the InternalFileName be the UploadID and the file extension from the original file. That way it would be unique, but You'll have to insert the row as the first part of the process, and update it after after you know the file name and identity/auto generate row value. You could make the InternalFileName something like YYYMMDDhhmissmmm and the file extension from the original file, which may be unique enough based on how you use subdirectories.
I like to store a MD5 Hash of a File which makes detecting duplicates easy.
MimeType and FileSizeBytes can be found from the file system, but if you store them in the database, it makes some maintenance easier since you can query for large files or files of certain types.