




I'm creating a table editor using the grid widget of EXT js. Now this is working quiet good in FF but when i'm using it in IE8 it doesn't show any data until i select one of the rows from the grid. When you look at the grid when loading, it shows the data and then it disappears. After that you can only get the data back by selecting some rows. The plugin i'm writing is an extension of the excel grid plugin of Surinder singh.

Because i've written the plugin directly into a cms we've been developing it is quiet difficult to show what's wrong. That's why i've setup a test version of the cms. The pages that have the grid component on it can be found here:

login: grid, password: grid

The first page has the grid component and this one works in IE8 as it should be. The second one is a bit more difficult because it's a version-ed page. You first have to click 'edit' at the right side of the screen, next you need to click 'edit' next to a table. When you do that you'll see the grid. If you've any more questions about it you can always ask.

The javascript and css related to the grid is loaded using Javascript, when you look for ensureCSSLoad or ensureJSLoad in the code you can find them. I've also tried to load it directly and see if this could fix it but it didn't work.



This was my first experience with ext-js so it can be that the code isn't as good as it should be. i've tried various things, but i don't know where to look to solve this problem. I've commented out alot of the code to check if i could locate the problem this way, but it keeps disappearing. I've also tried to refresh the grid at the end but it didn't help.

Anyone has some ideas what's wrong?

greets, Daan