How to get cross-browser text (blur) shadow? including IE6, 7, 8.
is there any css or js solution?
I want to get text-shadow with semantic and valid markup.
How to get cross-browser text (blur) shadow? including IE6, 7, 8.
is there any css or js solution?
I want to get text-shadow with semantic and valid markup.
The jQuery Dropshadow plugin can handle this. To get complete browser compatibility, you're going to have to use JavaScript, there is no pure-CSS solution.
This approaches uses a positioned span
to achieve the look.
There may be a pure css solution using transforms.
Using Filters:
IE 6 supports filters so you can use:
filter: dropshadow(color=#ffff00,offX=5,offY=5);
So a cross browser style might look like:
-ms-filter: "dropshadow(color=#ffff00,offX=5,offY=5)";
filter: dropshadow(color=#ffff00,offX=5,offY=5);
text-shadow: #ff0 5px 5px;