



Just got done with "The art of unit testing". It was a great read and i think everyone should go buy a copy. With that said i think the next book I'm like to read would be a architecture / Design type book that would focus heavily on building your objects / software in such a way that it would be:

  1. Low Coupling
  2. High Cohesion
  3. Easily Maintainable / Extended
  4. Easy to test
  5. Easy to Navigate / Debug

The above characteristcs are the most important ones but also maybe it would also include (but not necessary) designing for:

  1. Performance - Don't want to design a system at at the end find out its dog slow :)
  2. Scalability - Again don't want to design something at the end find out it won't scale.

I'd also prefer (but not necessary again):

  1. Something newer - Architectural principles seem to gradually evolve / improve over time and id like something with current thinking.
  2. .Net as illustrating language - like i said above its not mandatory but since its what i use every day id prefer it to be in .net. Doesn't really matter if its in or c#

Some of the topics that would be talked about its how to minimize dependencies and using interfaces throughout your solution rather than concrete classes. Maybe it would constract /compare some of the newest design principles like DDD, Repository Pattern, Ect...

I already have "Clean Code" (don't know if its this type of book or not) and "Working effectively with legacy code" on my radar but id like to read a book based upon the topic i talked about above first. Is there such a book?

Would "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture" fit my needs above?

+1  A: 

Agile Principles, Patterns and Practices in C# (Bob martin) should cover a lot of what your looking for and may be worth a look.

Leom Burke
Wouldn't that be more based upon agile and dealing with how to split software projects into more manageable pieces / requirements: SCRUM, Sprints, Etc?
It cover s a very broad range - looking through the chapter list shows that section 2 covers a lot about design priciples that are applicable everywhere (Dependency Inversion, Single-responsibility...etc) Many of these concepts are referenced in Clean Code. They cross boundaries and dont just apply to Agile.
Leom Burke
Thanks for the clarification. I think i might have found exactly what i'm looking for though instead of a book that just touches on these points here and there and other stuff (agile) in the mix: "Microsoft .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise". I know Dino is not as big as some of heavy hitters like Micheal Feathers or Bob Martin (uncle bob) but i remember being in of his sessions a few years ago at DevConnections and it was excellent. I'll take a chance i think. maybe if i don't like it i will try Micheal Feathers book referenced above since it supposed to be one of the gold sd

Advanced MVVM seems to match most of your requirements... but it's specific to WPF/Silverlight, so maybe it's not what you're looking for

Thomas Levesque
Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like to find one that wasn't so specific to WPF/Silverlight but if i can't find one i'll definitely look into this book more.
it's quite short anyway (about 50 pages)
Thomas Levesque