In blend I would like to style the custom look of a combo box. When I choose "edit this template as a copy" I create an instance of the control so that I can edit it.
However, when I go to change the simple "base" state "style" I cannot. For example - I would navigate to the gradient section and choose to change the gradient. When I do so, I am confused because only the "bottom" portion of the combo box has changed.
To put it simple, there seems to be a "white > semi-transparent" gloss on all the default controls in blend.
I have even rummaged through most of the .xaml looking for spots I can paste in the appropriate .
I have failed over and over.
Could someone give me a brief overview on how to edit any and all controls?
... The tutorials I have looked at have not described this exact thing - meaning no one has gone and done a tutorial that takes the default first "view" of an item and changed it.