



Is there any code that I can look at to see how compression would be done in assembly?

+1  A: 

Why would you want to? Most off-the-shelf C/C++ compression or encryption libraries have small bits of potential performance hotspots written in assembly anyway but otherwise compiled C/C++ is considered to be sufficiently optimised.

If you really want some code, can I suggest you take a C/C++ library (assuming no code already exists) and look at the assembly generated by the compiler as part of the compilation process.

That's more of a comment than an answer...
I want to know what is really going on in the processor durring compression, and as I understand it the lowest level language is assembly. I'm rather new to programming, and only know Java at the moment. But often find myself wondering how Java is being interpreted (which I understand Java is run in a VM and does not translate to assembly)
@synnyohno: I think that this answer as well as other comments, simply suggest that `there is nothing really specific about compression algorithms which make them more worthy of study in the context of assembly language` and also `pure assy implemenentations wouldn't necessarily be much faster`. Since you are new to programming, maybe you can start with smaller project to give you a feel about assembly (and show you that the C language is generally very close to the underlying assembly. Another good hint from the comments is to write in c and have the compiler produce the assy source.