I created an Android project a few months ago and now have to automate the build process with Hudson. The Android dev guide mentions a build.xml file that gets created when you generate a project (http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/other-ide.html) but I dont see one in my project. Will I have to create this by hand or can I run a command to generate it?
Silly question. If `local.properties` isn’t in source control, what are you supposed to do when you check out the project?
2010-03-17 21:13:44
Answer: `android update project --path /path/to/my-project`
2010-03-17 21:20:09
Do I *need* a build.properties file? I dont know - can you give me an example of where I would need it? Basically this project was created using the ADT plugin but now I need to automate the build in Hudson, so I need to figure out how to get it to build over there.
2010-03-22 01:44:27
No, by default it's empty when the `android` tool creates it (just with a bunch of comments demonstrating how you could use that file).
2010-03-22 12:42:58