Hi Guys
Uphill about 5 years ago my career was going fairly well, but separation, family deaths and a bit of illness caused me to make a couple of BAD career decisions, and I ended up in a dead end job doing mainly vb 6, though it was the end as mid to late 30, but was recently handed a break, working with a forward thinking vb.net company and I took the chance with both hands, been there 5 months now
Thing are going ok, spending a lot of time in places like this, and reading books, but coming from a C / Machine Code / VB 5 &6 background, I'm finding the little intracity of .NET lost on me, if I write code I wouldn't think to use delegates for example, has anybody got any advice on making the 'brain' VB.NET jump, or training I should be looking at (bear in mind that I'm not rich)
Thanks for your time