I want to learn about how things work in depth in Java. Coming from a c# background, there were a couple of very good books that go really deep in c# (C# in depth, CLR via c#, just to name the most popular). Is there anything like that in Java? I searched it up on amazon but nothing seemed to go that deep in Java as the two above go in c#.
I don't want to know more about specific classes, or how to use this library or that other library, I want to learn how the objects are created on memory, how they get created on the stack, heap, etc. A more fundamental knowledge, let's say. I've read some chapters of Effective Java and The Java Programming Language but they don't seem to go so deep as I'd want them to go.
Maybe there are other people that know both c# and Java that have read any of the referred books and know any that might be useful?