




What is the difference to use {text-decoration:underline} and {border-bottom:...}?

which is easy to style and cross browser compatible?

when we should use border-bottom over text-decoration:underline?

Would it be good to use border-bottom always in place of text-decoration:underline?

+9  A: 

border-bottom puts a line at the bottom of the element box. text-decoration:underline renders the text underlined. The exact difference depends on the HTML and text layout engines in use, but in general if you want text underlined, then underline it.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
yes but we can give different color than text in border-bottom
Okay. But it's still not an underline.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams

bottom-border lets you control the distance between the text and the underline, so its more versatile. And (as mentioned above) it allows a different color for the underline (although I don't see a reason why you'll want to do that).

text-decoration is more 'correct' because it is the 'real' CSS property meant for underlining text.

if you set text-decoration: underline for all links then you will have to set text-decoration: none for special links which you don't need an underline. but if you use border-bottom instead, you'll save one line of CSS code (provide you set text-decoration: none in your reset CSS.

so all in all, i'll vote for border-bottom if you have a complex layout with different styles for each link but text-decoration for a simple website coded 'by the book'.

+3  A: 

As Ignacio said, border-bottom will put the line at the bottom of the containing box, whereas text-decoration:underline will actually underline the text. This becomes an important distinction for multi-line strings.

I am a single line and will look similar for both methods

would probably render the same for both styles, but you'll get the following for multi-line strings.

I am a string that has been
split and added a border-bottom

I am a string that has been
split and underlined

Apologies for using code formatting rather than properly rending these examples, but you can see the point I'm trying to make.
