I try the following code, but it doesn't work.
[helloToolbar setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
I try the following code, but it doesn't work.
[helloToolbar setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
The best you can do is using
[helloToolbar setBarStyle:UIBarStyleBlack];
[helloToolbar setTranslucent:YES];
This will get you a black but translucent toolbar.
To make a completely transparent toolbar, use the method described here:
In a nutshell, create a new TransparentToolbar class that inherits from UIToolbar, and use that in place of UIToolbar.
@interface TransparentToolbar : UIToolbar
@implementation TransparentToolbar
// Override draw rect to avoid
// background coloring
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
// do nothing in here
// Set properties to make background
// translucent.
- (void) applyTranslucentBackground
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
self.opaque = NO;
self.translucent = YES;
// Override init.
- (id) init
self = [super init];
[self applyTranslucentBackground];
return self;
// Override initWithFrame.
- (id) initWithFrame:(CGRect) frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
[self applyTranslucentBackground];
return self;
(code from the blog post linked above)