




I have a camera on my network, I am trying to connect to it with suds but suds doesn't send all the information needed. I need to put extra soap headers not defined in the WSDL file so the camera can understand the message. All the headers are contained in a SOAP envelope and then the suds command be in the body of the message.

I have checked the suds website and it says to pass in the headers like so: (This passes in the element as a header but I have a envelope so I'm not sure how to input this)

from suds.sax.element import Element
client = client(url)
ssnns = ('ssn', 'http://namespaces/sessionid')
ssn = Element('SessionID', ns=ssnns).setText('123')
result = client.service.addPerson(person)

Now I am not sure how I would implement this, say for example I have the below header:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP
<wsa:MessageID SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true">urn:uuid:43268c01-f09c6</wsa:MessageID>

Using this or a similar example does anyone know hos I would get this passed into the soap command so my camera understands?


+2  A: 

Hello, I have worked out how to enter in new headers and namespaces in suds. As stated above you create an Element and pass it in as a soapheader as so: from suds.sax.element import Element client = client(url) ssnns = ('ssn', 'http://namespaces/sessionid') ssn = Element('SessionID', ns=ssnns).setText('123') client.set_options(soapheaders=ssn)
result = client.service.addPerson(person)

But if you would like to add a namespace I have found adding a prefix seem's to do the trick. So when you create one of the elements you add addPrefix. I'm not sure if this was the way it was intended to be done but it work's.

ssn = Element('SessionID', ns=ssnns).setText('123').addPrefix(p='SOAP-ENC', u='')

The p = 'SOAP-ENC' can be any prefix eg. wsa and the u = http://address is the address of the namespace.

A complete script that would run could be:


import suds
#import logging
from suds.client import Client
from suds.sax.element import Element
from suds.sax.attribute import Attribute
from suds.xsd.sxbasic import Import

def absoluteMove():

    # connects to WSDL file and stores location in variable 'client'
    client = Client('')
    client.options.location = ''

    # Create the header
    wsans = ('wsa', '')
    mustAttribute = Attribute('SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand', 'true')
    n1s = ('SOAP-ENC', '')
    msgId = Element('Element').addPrefix(p='SOAP-ENC', u='')

    msgId2 = Element('Address', ns=wsans).setText('')
    msgId1 = Element('ReplyTo', ns=wsans).insert(msgId2)

    msgId3 = Element('To', ns=wsans).setText('')

    client.set_options(soapheaders=[msgId, msgId1, msgId3, msgId2])

    # Create 'token' object to pass as an argument using the 'factory' namespace
    token = client.factory.create('ns4:ReferenceToken')

    # Create 'dest' object to pass as an argument and values passed to this object
    dest = client.factory.create('ns4:PTZVector')

    # Create 'speed' object to pass as an argument and values passed to this object
    speed = client.factory.create('ns4:PTZSpeed')

    # 'AbsoluteMove' method invoked passing in the new values entered in the above objects

        result = client.service.AbsoluteMove(token, dest, speed)
        print "absoluteMove result ", result
        return result
    except suds.WebFault, e:
        print "suds.WebFaults caught: "
        print e

if __name__ == '__main__': result = absoluteMove()

This moves the camera. To change the type of soap-envelope check my next question.

You can add logging into this script whci allow's you to check what xml command you have sent which is handy:

import logging

The location can be put into the script as an option if the location is not in the wsdl file.
