After far more investigation that I'd like, I have arrived at the conclusion (maybe erroneously), that BRCC32 has a problem creating resource files that have ICO images of varying color depths.
To be specific, if you have icons in an ICO file that have both 8 bit 256 color and 24 bit XP (alpha) images, then BRCC32 will produce a RES file containing these, but both the 8 bit and 24 bit images will be flagged as 24 bit. The issue is then that systems wanting to display the 24 bit images i.e. those capable of more than 256 colors, will pick the first image matching that requirement. In my case at least, that happens to be the "pseudo" 24 bit 256 color icon. Thus you get a lower resolution icon on your desktop than you should do.
Using HeavenTools' "Resource Tuner", the "Group Icon" information can clearly be seen to hold 24 bit descriptors for the 8 bit images.
Two ways forward for me. Remove the 256 color ico images, which results in only the "correct" 24 bit XP Alpha images in the resulting RES file. The downside is that you have no 256 color icons should you need them. A better way forward is to use GoRC.exe (resource compiler) from as an alternative to BRCC32. This correctly handles the combination of 8 and 24 bit images. The result is that windows can select the correct icon, appropriate to the display resolution of the system.
As a side issue I've also seen that BRCC32 doesn't appear to handle PNG compressed images (you get error 15 Allocate failed). It was looking for this error that I came across GoRC (via Jan Wichers blog).
Has anyone had similar experiences that confirm any of my findings, or am I missing some key knowledge ? My follow on would be, is this still an issue in D2009 / D2010 ??