




I have 3 tables "pics", "shows", "showpics"

I want to be able to edit the table "shows". In order to do this i need to retrive the pictures that the show contains (the pictures are stored in the table "pics")

the "showpics" table acts as a link

does anyone have any ideas as im completely lost and have no idea where to even start


+2  A: 

I think you need to learn about how to talk to the database - perhaps this tutorial on ADO.NET would be a good place to start.

ADO.NET is an object-oriented set of libraries that allows you to interact with data sources. Commonly, the data source is a database, but it could also be a text file, an Excel spreadsheet, or an XML file. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will look at ADO.NET as a way to interact with a data base.

Andrew Hare
i know how to use datasets etc. im just unsure of how to get the data from the table pic thats linked to the selected show

Read on how to read and write BLOB with ADO.NET and C# here.


There are many different approaches to retrieve data from the database.

I would use LINQ to SQL for a Microsoft SqlServer database.

Here is a good tutorial: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/05/19/using-linq-to-sql-part-1.aspx

Vadim Rybak
+1  A: 

Also, here is a tutorial on Linq


If you have not used ADO.NET it might be a bit easier to go the declarative route.

Linq can query a database with much less code and Linq will perform much of the interface code for you.

Here is a link on how to read and write blobs in oracle http://www.oracle.com/technology/sample_code/tech/windows/odpnet/howto/anonyblock/index.html

Joe Pitz

Using SQL, you would do something like this, e.g., for show ID 27:

select p.* 
from pics p
inner join showpics sp on p.PicID = sp.PicID
inner join shows s on sp.ShowID = s.ShowID
where s.ShowID = 27

If the pictures are large (more than 30Kb or so) you really don't want to put them into a DataSet... this was a reliable way to crash a server with OOM errors for me on an app I worked on. To deal with large pictures, you will want to stream them into and out of the database...

here is a link to get you started on streaming, or better yet, just don't use images more than 30kb or so, else put them on the filesystem, not in tables:

