




I would like to build a static version of QT Library for X11 like shown in the doc Deploying an Application on X11 Platforms but I am stuck at the first step.

where it says :
cd /path/to/Qt
./configure -static -prefix /path/to/Qt
make sub-src

1) Where is the path/to/Qt. Is this a path to libs or executables or what? In /usr/bin I have: qt3to4, qtconfig-qt4, qtcreator and qmake-qt4. In /usr/include/qt4/Qt I have a whole bunch of header files. In /usr/lib I have all the shared libraries.

2)when I type : "./configure -static -prefix /path/to/Qt"
I get "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"

+2  A: 

The first /path/to/Qt is where you unpackaged the sources, maybe ~/src/qt or something.

The second /path/to/Qt is where you want the installed build to live, say, /usr/local/qt or /opt/qt or something.

And if bash complains then it means that you did not change into the directory with your sources.

Dirk Eddelbuettel
thanks, I did not build Qt, but simply ran sudo apt-get install so I guess I dont have it and need to download it.
yan bellavance
Are you sure you really, really need a static build? Running on a different distro? Can't you just build for that?
Dirk Eddelbuettel