



I have a game of jeopardy that I made in PowerPoint and I was wondering if I could have a Silverlight application read the ppt file. Or is there a way to convert a .ppt file to a Silverlight readable format?

+1  A: 

If you can save the .ppt file as a .pptx file then it will be in a zipped XML format that you could read with Silverlight. But you don't want to read it (it's a very complex format).

You just want to convert it with something like this:

+1  A: 

There's a commercial app called Convexion from ElectricRain that converts to wpf and silverlight. It'll run ya $149 though, so not quite as good as a free tool such as pptx2silverlight, as Gabe mentioned.

However: it preserves things such as animations, which may or may not be important to you.

David Makogon
+4  A: 

There are a few options available, none of them "great".

  1. pptx2silverlight on CodePlex

    • Pros: Freely available code
    • Cons: Simplistic player, no animation/audio/video, conversion of slides to PNGs
  2. Convexion by ElectricRain

    • Pros: Converts most animations/transitions
    • Cons: No audio/video support, converts shapes to PNGs (not XAML), creates "loose XAML" instead of compiled code
  3. Powerlight by Conaito

    • Pros: Cheapest commercial solution, more customizable player
    • Cons: no animation/audio/video, conversion of slides to PNGs
Convexion *claims* to support embedded audio/video, but I haven't actually seen it work yet. Not sure if they expect specific formats, etc. (We're using the Pro version...)
@GalacticCowboy: Interesting. I hadn't even seen the claim :) But I haven't checked in a while. I think the main issue is everything that I have with it (as well as the others) is that everything is is turned into PNGs. You have enough PNGs and it's no longer a small file. Those Convexion SL examples are huge. At least PPT->Flash converters make smaller files for the web.
+1  A: 

I´ll checked the conaito offer. Its very great! They offer as well a SDK which provide a easy to develop converting solution for websites or my own application! Powerlight SDK:
