



Hi ppl, Im starting a new project that consist in a game made in Flash, I use PHP for the server counterpart and a MySQL database.

My question is, what do I need to host my game?.. I mean, how good (connection, HD space, procesor, ram, etc) should be my hosting to be able to take care of all the stuff I need...?

And, if you know some good web hosting for this purpose, even better :)

Thx in advance.


This is all based on the game. Is this a WoW killer or just a board game? I would recommend developing the game on your intranet and then benchmarking and optimizing it. When you have benchmarks you can then ask for improvements on your bottlenecks.

I know what you're saying, and I'll do that, the thing is, I need to know if it is economically viable for me to pay the hosting of my game, at least until it give me some profit. Let's say, the game is like Restaurant City, something like that.I need to know if the hosting will cost me something like u$s5000 per month or u$s500 per month, that's crucial for me :P
How many users and how much bandwidth per user? Does the game communicate with the server when the user is playing it or do they just download it and it never talks to the server again?