




My target is that a spider is going down it's web in the background. I need the web image (a simple vertical line) to tile above the spider, while the spider image sits at the bottom.

+2  A: 

You can't have two background images on the same element.

Simply, create a div right inside your body that takes full width and height. Then use the tiled background in one of them (the div, I assume) an the fixed background in the other (the body, I assume).

Watch out for margins and padding across browsers, though!

Sinan Taifour
I'm trying this now but I'm not getting any results. Here is my CSS http://pastebin.org/117761(just posting a pastebin since i can't get markdown to work)
Send in the HTML too, and the CSS for the `body`.
Sinan Taifour
body css http://pastebin.org/117770html http://pastebin.org/117771the <div id="background-image"> is way there at the bottom
The inner div has to contain all your page: `<body><div id="bg-img">(... remaining of your HTML ...)</div></body>`.
Sinan Taifour

maybe you put "the spider" as fixed background image for your <body> tag and put "the web" as a background image (with repeat) for a div set to { width: 100%; }


WebKit (Safari, Chrome) does allow multiple backgrounds; just seperate them with commas.

Sam V