




hi i am developing code for gps tracker using gps module ssf1513. i don't know how to configure the gps module to power save mode , please guide me how to enter in input mode.


It my be that the power save mode is automatic, e.g. if you stop polling the device then it may go into power saving mode after a certain time-out, and then wake up again automatically when you start polling it again ?

Paul R
+3  A: 

That board has a SiRF starIII GSC3e/LPx GPS chip.

You can Communicate with it via SiRF's binary protocol or NMEA here are links to the reference manuals for each:

SiRF NMEA Reference Manual

SiRF Binary Reference Manual

How exactly you want to save power is up to you there are tons of ways to reduce power usage with gps (duty cycle control, long sleeps, etc). This will be application dependent.
