



I would like to implement multi-touch in my applications for Windows Mobile. The applications will mostly use it for zoom related actions e.g. two points (touched) moving towards each other while relatively moving towards a certain point will zoom IN to that point, where two touched points moving away from each other will do the exact opposite: zoom OUT.

I understand that people will use certain gestures with their fingers, toes or stumps to accomplish this UI behaviour/interactivity. Does this mean I can get sued by Apple?

+1  A: 

Well, that's a question you better ask your lawyer.

IANAL, but IMHO the easiest way would be to start/join a worldwide lobbying group against software patents. At least against trivial software patents. Your goal: Reform the patent system in a way that such stuff is regarded as "too trivial to be patent worthy".

(I never said it would be easy. I just think this is the easiest way without paying or risking to be sued.)
