


+1  A: 

You should check for errors, ideally on each malloc and memcpy but just doing it once at the end will be sufficient (cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError()).

Just to check the obvious:

  • You do have a CUDA capable GPU, right? Run the deviceQuery SDK sample to check the device is working correctly and all the drivers are installed and working.
  • N (in the memcpy) is equal to 4 (in the malloc), right?

i am having a similar problem. i have cuda driver 3.0 installed and cuda toolkit v3.0 installed and an nvidia g210m. when i run a very simple array reverse program normally (using nvcc it runs but the output comes out wrong( no reversal). however the very same prog wen run under -deviceemu mode gives the right output. y is this so?


See if you have a CUDA enabled device. Probably you can try running the code below and see what info you get:

#include <cstdio>

int main( void ) {
    cudaDeviceProp  prop;

    int count;
    cudaGetDeviceCount( &count );
    for (int i=0; i< count; i++) {
        cudaGetDeviceProperties( &prop, i );
        printf( "   --- General Information for device %d ---\n", i );
        printf( "Name:  %s\n", );
        printf( "Compute capability:  %d.%d\n", prop.major, prop.minor );
        printf( "Clock rate:  %d\n", prop.clockRate );
        printf( "Device copy overlap:  " );
        if (prop.deviceOverlap)
            printf( "Enabled\n" );
            printf( "Disabled\n");
        printf( "Kernel execution timeout :  " );
        if (prop.kernelExecTimeoutEnabled)
            printf( "Enabled\n" );
            printf( "Disabled\n" );

        printf( "   --- Memory Information for device %d ---\n", i );
        printf( "Total global mem:  %ld\n", prop.totalGlobalMem );
        printf( "Total constant Mem:  %ld\n", prop.totalConstMem );
        printf( "Max mem pitch:  %ld\n", prop.memPitch );
        printf( "Texture Alignment:  %ld\n", prop.textureAlignment );

        printf( "   --- MP Information for device %d ---\n", i );
        printf( "Multiprocessor count:  %d\n",
                    prop.multiProcessorCount );
        printf( "Shared mem per mp:  %ld\n", prop.sharedMemPerBlock );
        printf( "Registers per mp:  %d\n", prop.regsPerBlock );
        printf( "Threads in warp:  %d\n", prop.warpSize );
        printf( "Max threads per block:  %d\n",
                    prop.maxThreadsPerBlock );
        printf( "Max thread dimensions:  (%d, %d, %d)\n",
                    prop.maxThreadsDim[0], prop.maxThreadsDim[1],
                    prop.maxThreadsDim[2] );
        printf( "Max grid dimensions:  (%d, %d, %d)\n",
                    prop.maxGridSize[0], prop.maxGridSize[1],
                    prop.maxGridSize[2] );
        printf( "\n" );