I am trying to find every "a -> b, c, d" pattern in an input string. The pattern I am using is the following :
"^[ \t]*(\\w+)[ \t]*->[ \t]*(\\w+)((?:,[ \t]*\\w+)*)$"
This pattern is a C# pattern, the "\t" refers to a tabulation (its a single escaped litteral, intepreted by the .NET String API), the "\w" refers to the well know regex litteral predefined class, double escaped to be interpreted as a "\w" by the .NET STring API, and then as a "WORD CLASS" by the .NET Regex API.
The input is :
a -> b
b -> c
c -> d
The function is :
private void ParseAndBuildGraph(String input) {
MatchCollection mc = Regex.Matches(input, "^[ \t]*(\\w+)[ \t]*->[ \t]*(\\w+)((?:,[ \t]*\\w+)*)$", RegexOptions.Multiline);
foreach (Match m in mc) {
The output is :
c -> d
Actually, there is a problem with the line ending "$" special char. If I insert a "\r" before "$", it works, but I thought "$" would match any line termination (with the Multiline option), especially a \r\n in a Windows environment. Is it not the case ?