I have a set of data that I need to store at design-time to construct the contents of a group of components at run-time.
Something like this:
TVulnerabilityData = record
Vulnerability: TVulnerability;
Name: string;
Description: string;
ErrorMessage: string;
What's the best way of storing this data at design-time for later retrieval at run-time? I'll have about 20 records for which I know all the contents of each "record" but I'm stuck on what's the best way of storing the data.
The only semi-elegant idea I've come up with is "construct" each record on the unit's initialization like this:
VulnerabilityData: array[Low(TVulnerability)..High(TVulnerability)] of TVulnerabilityData;
VulnerabilityData[0].Vulnerability := vVulnerability1;
VulnerabilityData[0].Name := 'Name of Vulnerability1';
VulnerabilityData[0].Description := 'Description of Vulnerability1';
VulnerabilityData[0].ErrorMessage := 'Error Message of Vulnerability1';
Is there a better and/or more elegant solution than this?
Thanks for reading and for any insights you might provide.