




Hi there. This question comes from a previous one I asked about handling NSData objects: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2453785/converting-nsdata-to-an-nsstring-representation-is-failing.

I have reached the point where I am taking an NSImage, turning it into NSData and uploading those data bytes to the LDAP server. I am doing this like so;

    //connected successfully to LDAP server above...
    struct berval photo_berval;
    struct berval *jpegPhoto_values[2];
    photo_berval.bv_len = [photo length]; //photo is the passed NSData object from NSImage
    photo_berval.bv_val = [photo bytes];
    jpegPhoto_values[0] = &photo_berval;
    jpegPhoto_values[1] = NULL;

    mod.mod_type = "jpegPhoto";
    mod.mod_bvalues = jpegPhoto_values;

    mods[0] = &mod;
    mods[1] = NULL;

    //perform the modify operation  
    rc = ldap_modify_ext_s(ld, givenModifyEntry, mods, NULL, NULL);

That happens with no errors, and you can see a big blob of data when you're in the command line.

My problem is, when I go to access the same data at a later stage, I am getting an image file back that's about 120 times smaller than the original image.

    //find the jpegPhoto attribute
    photoA = ldap_first_attribute(ld, photoE, &photoBer);

    while (strcasecmp(photoA, "jpegphoto") != 0) 
        photoA = ldap_next_attribute(ld, photoE, photoBer);

    //get the value of the attribute

    if ((list_of_photos = ldap_get_values_len(ld, photoE, photoA)) != NULL) 
        //get the first JPEG
        photo_data = *list_of_photos[0];
        selectedPictureData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&photo_data length:sizeof(photo_data)];
        [selectedPictureData writeToFile:@"/Users/username/Desktop/Photo 2.jpg" atomically:YES];
        NSLog (@"%@", selectedPictureData);

Has anyone successfully done this before or can anyone see what I might be doing wrong? I appreciate anyone's help. Sorry to post so many questions!
