Suppose xmlNode is a XML DOM node, how do you get its xml system independently?
For IE, it is xmlNode.xml; For netscape, it is new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(xmlNode).
In jQuery, is there any built-in method I can leverage?
Suppose xmlNode is a XML DOM node, how do you get its xml system independently?
For IE, it is xmlNode.xml; For netscape, it is new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(xmlNode).
In jQuery, is there any built-in method I can leverage?
I don't know of a native JQuery function to do it, but there's a cross-browser JavaScript way to get XML from an XML DOM node. Look at the xml2Str function in the answer to this Stack Overflow question: Serialize a DOM node to XML text using JavaScript.
var xmlContent = $(xmlNode)
For a longer explination checkout the IBM developer works article on AJAX with jQuery