Is there a way to have the callback of one AJAX trigger another AJAX call? Or will that go out of scope?
You should be able to do this. Closures keep everything in scope.
Matthew Flaschen
2010-03-20 17:28:32
In addition to Matthew's answer, you can also use setTimeout()
to repeat the AJAX call at a predefined interval, as in the following example:
function autoUpdate() {
type: 'GET',
url: '/web-service/?no_cache=' + (new Date()).getTime(),
success: function(msg) {
// Add your logic here for a successful AJAX response.
// ...
// ...
// Relaunch the autoUpdate() function in 5 seconds
setTimeout(autoUpdate, 5000);
Daniel Vassallo
2010-03-20 17:35:25
success: function(data){
and as stated before, your scope is captured by the closure.
Sky Sanders
2010-03-20 17:49:06