The basic setup is classic - you're creating a Windows Forms application that connects to a DB and does all kinds of enterprise-y stuff. Naturally, such an application will have many users with different access rights in the DB, and each with their own login name and password.
So how do you implement this? One way is to create a DB login for every application user, but that's a pretty serious thing to do, which even requires admin rights on the DB server, etc. If the DB server hosts several applications, the admins are quite likely not to be happy with this.
In the web world typically one creates his own "Users" table which contains all the necessary info, and uses one fixed DB login for all interaction. That is all nice for a web app, but a windows forms can't hide this master login information, negating security altogether. (It can try to hide, but all such attempts are easily broken with a bit of effort).
So... is there some middle way? Perhaps logging in with a fixed login, and then elevating priviledges from a special stored procedure which checks the username and password?
Added: OK, so integrated authentication and windows groups seem to be a fair choice in most situations, so I accepted the relevant answer. Still, if anyone can come up with a non-integrated authentication solution, they'll get an upvote from me.