When I started learning (really) CSS, I started by looking into PositionIsEverything.com, here is the best one, I learned most of what I know from it: http://www.positioniseverything.net/articles/onetruelayout/
I also see this one now, which seems to be quite good: http://matthewjamestaylor.com/blog/perfect-multi-column-liquid-layouts
I also strongly recommend reading all articles in this site: http://www.quirksmode.org/ (and the first one... http://www.positioniseverything.net/ ). These are very classic - they will teach you the theory and the hacks you need to know. Fortunatelly for you, IE6 is dead now, so you need to learn much less.
I can also recommend you to install Opera, Chrome (I will not even mention Firefox, if you don't use it you should really go find yourself a new job). Those browsers will give you an impression of what other users use. Safari is also a good idea, yes, it uses the same HTML engine as Chrome (WebKit) but it uses a different toolkit so the site will look differently. Don't forget to install firebug in Firefox, you don't know what you are missing after you have seen it in action.
My next step, was to learn the meta-themes in Drupal, the DIV and classes heirarchy and eventually I learned not to write my own "skeleton" but base myself on meta themes of Drupal. People here linked to skeleton HTML pages, use them and hack only CSS (colors, and sizes). This way you don't have to waste time on overcoming bugs of other browsers.