Can someone please suggest good reading material to learn the concepts of plugin architecture using C#?
Not a book per-se but this is the state of the art solutions for .Nets (which both happen to be free)
Sam Saffron
2010-03-22 05:27:53
For Media Browser I use a home grown solution, the source is available. MEF comes with tons of bells and whistles I did have a play with it about 6 months ago but too much was changing and I hit a bit of a snag . I did not have a chance to use mono addins, but it is very established to the best of my knowledge
Sam Saffron
2010-03-22 07:06:49
@Sam Are you using either of these yourself right now (by the way I am not asking this question to "challenge" you in any way) ? If you are using one (rather than both): which one are you using ?
2010-03-22 08:19:19
@Sam thanks, I was just about to edit my first comment when your remark came through. I am not familiar with the "Media Browser" you refer to. But I'll go find it. So : you looked at MEF, but are not using it ? Mono-Addins looks interesting, but I have yet to be able to answer whether it can be used outside Mono (i.e., in Visual Studio).
2010-03-22 08:23:41
@BillW Mono Addins is a pure .Net project its reusable in any .Net project.
Sam Saffron
2010-03-22 11:13:45
The Managed Extensibility Framework documentation may be a good place to start.
Brian Rasmussen
2010-03-22 05:28:02