



I've got a big multi-module project, and I'd like to generate a report that shows all the licenses of all the things the project depends on.

I looked at tattletale, but it doesn't seem to do the trick. And I can easily find a plugin that will squirt a license into the top of each source file, but this exact thing is defying my googling.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


mvn site includes such an overview under dependencies, doesn't it?

+1  A: 

The Maven Project Info Reports Plugin can be used to generate a Project Dependencies report that lists all dependencies and also groups them by licenses.

The project-info-reports:dependencies goal can be used to generate an individual report but it should be used as a Maven report and is actually provided by default (see Configuring Reports) when generating the site for the project.

For an example, have a look at the Licenses of the Project Dependencies of the Maven Site Plugin.

Pascal Thivent
Indeed -- thanks. mvn site has caused all kinds of problems so I haven't looked at its output for awhile; didn't realize I can run project-info-reports:dependencies stand-alone, and it seems to do exactly what I need. Much appreciated!