Wich is the best way to read and parse an Fixed Width Text File using Delphi?
exist any component for that?
thanks in advance.
Wich is the best way to read and parse an Fixed Width Text File using Delphi?
exist any component for that?
thanks in advance.
You could do with a simple TMemo or TRichEdit. But the #1 (?) text editor component for Delphi, I believe, is TSynEdit.
If by read you mean parse, try using a TStringList. Call TStringList.LoadFromFile
and you'll get a list of individual lines. Then you can go over each individual line and parse it out into a record or class based on the various fixed-length columns in the line. Check out the Copy function for a way to make this easier.
It's hard to be more specific without any details about what you're trying to do, but that's the general idea.
If its fixed width and ansi, you can use streams to read into a record containing fields made up of array of ansichar.
rTest = record
Field1 : array[1..12] of ansichar;
Field2 : array[1..02] of ansichar;
CRLF : array[1..02] of ansichar;
// Sample record for testing.
Test1 : rTest = (Field1 : '123456789012'; Field2: 'AB'; CRLF: ^M+^J);
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
St : tStream;
rdest : rTest;
SVar : string;
St := TMemoryStream.Create;
// write the record from the constant
// read the record from the stream
// pull out field 1 and display
SVar := Copy(rDest.Field1,1,12);
// pull out field 2 and display
SVar := Copy(rDest.Field2,1,2);