



I'm trying to parse an XML file (OSM data) with expat, and there are lines with some Unicode characters that expat can't parse:

<tag k="name"
v="абвгдежзиклмнопр�?туфхцчшщьыъ�?ю�?�?БВГДЕЖЗИКЛМ�?ОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЬЫЪЭЮЯ" />

<tag k="name" v="Cin\x8e? Rex" />

(XML file encoding in the opening line is "UTF-8")

The file is quite old, and there must have been errors. In modern files I don't see UTF-8 errors, and they are parsed fine. But what if my program meets a broken symbol, what workaround can I make? Is it possible to join bz2 codec (I parse a compressed file) and utf-8 codec to ignore the broken characters, or change them to "?"?

+1  A: 

Not sure if '�' characters were introduced by copy-pasting string here, but if you have them in original data, then it seems to be generator problem which introduced \uFFFD charactes as:

"used to replace an incoming character whose value is unknown or unrepresentable in Unicode"

citied from:

Workaround? Just idea for extension:

good = True
buf = None
while True:
if good:
        buf =
        # try again with cleaned buffer
            xp.Parse(buf, len(buf) == 0)
            if (len(buf) == 0):
        good = True
    except ExpatError:
        if xp.ErrorCode  == XML_ERROR_BAD_CHAR_REF:
            # look at ErrorByteIndex (or nearby)
            # for 0xEF 0xBF 0xBD (UTF8 replacement char) and remove it
            good = False
            # other errors processing

Or clean input buffer instead + corner cases (partial sequence at the buffer end). I can't recall if python's expat allows to assign custom error handler. That would be easier then.

If i clean yours sample from '�' characters it's processed ok. \xd1 does not fail.

OSM data?

Yes, it's OSM whole earth dump. I'll try to make a generator of your code, thanks!
I've noted that xp.ErrorCode contains a numeric code, but XML_ERROR_BAD_CHAR_REF contains a string (Python 2.6). That's quite a headache if I want to check error type: I'll need to compare strings, etc.
Well... this doesn't work: when expat raises an error, it has already eaten the characters up to that, and I can't see a way to get the index of wrong character in `buf`. There's only `lineno` and `columnno`, and character counter that counts _all_ characters in the file, but not in `buf`.
So then try another thing i've posted. Cleanup buffer after read.Also check buffer end for partial sequences, if so: remove thatpart to 'reminder' storage, which will be merged with next bufferreaded.One more thing: have your input data those '�' character, or expatreports on other thing?I've checked my planet-100129.osm with expat 2.0.1 but in C++ app(only half our) and there were no characters error (file decompressed). Can you try this on uncompressed file adn see if youhave the same errors?