I have five tables in my database. Members, items, comments, votes and countries. I want to get 10 items. I want to get the count of comments and votes for each item. I also want the member that submitted each item, and the country they are from.
After posting here and elsewhere, I started using subselects to get the counts, but this query is taking 10 seconds or more!
SELECT `items_2`.*,
FROM `comments`
WHERE (comments.Script = items_2.Id)
AND (comments.Active = 1))
AS `Comments`,
(SELECT COUNT(votes.Member)
FROM `votes`
WHERE (votes.Script = items_2.Id)
AND (votes.Active = 1))
AS `votes`,
`countrys`.`Name` AS `Country`
FROM `items` AS `items_2`
INNER JOIN `members` ON items_2.Member=members.Id AND members.Active = 1
INNER JOIN `members` AS `members_2` ON items_2.Member=members.Id
LEFT JOIN `countrys` ON countrys.Id = members.Country
GROUP BY `items_2`.`Id`
My question is whether this is the right way to do this, if there's better way to write this statement OR if there's a whole different approach that will be better. Should I run the subselects separately and aggregate the information?