



I have had the following problem for a while and I am really not sure how to solve it.

The problem can currently be observed here: - feel free to use this for Firebugging.

There are 2 notions here: a table of contents (toc) and notes. A note usually takes 100% of the post width and everything is fine.

However, when a note appears next to a toc, the toc starts overlapping and covering the note (I set z-index:1 on the toc because otherwise the note covered it, which was even worse).

It's interesting to point out that the text of the note doesn't get covered by the toc - only the note div itself does.

In IE7, it's even worse - the note div jumps down to under the toc and leaves a lot of empty space (2nd screenshot).

So, how can I solve this? The ideal solution would have the note div occupy 100% of the visible space - i.e. it would resize itself to fit right next to the toc when needed.

Any points appreciated. Thank you!

Here are some screenshots for future reference: alt text

in IE7: alt text

+3  A: 

I've had about the same problem. Though I can't help for your IE7-specific issue, using overflow: hidden on the left column did the trick for the layout overlapping (and did not hide data). Specifically, in your case, you need to:

  1. Remove the position:relative code on the relevant .toc and .note elements;
  2. Set width:auto on the .note elements;
  3. Set overflow:hidden on the .note elements.

Note that this will not work under IE6, but meh, it's IE6. It'll look ugly, but people using IE6 these days are forced to, and besides, it's not making the website unusable.

The result in Safari:

Thank you, I will have a look after dinner.
Artem Russakovskii
Brilliant! It works in IE7 this way too. I didn't even have to remove the position - the main parts were `width:auto` and `overflow:hidden` on `.note` and `width:auto` on `.note div`. Thank you.
Artem Russakovskii