




INTEL X86 Platform. My programme run start at 2M absolute address in protected mode,everything seems ok, but when i enable interrupt with "sti", the CPU will restart. Why? is there any necessary initialization before "enbale interrupt"? i have setup the idtptr, but it seems no work.


Do you have interrupt handlers that will work in protected mode?

Michael Burr

NO,do you think there was any interrupt tiggered?


The CPU is probably triple-faulting, which happens when an exception occurs while processing a double-fault. When a CPU triple faults, it resets.

This is probably causes by an incorrectly setup Interrupt Descriptor Table.

The OSDev Wiki has a good article that may help you here: http://wiki.osdev.org/Interrupt_Descriptor_Table

Charlie Somerville
but i used the "sidt" ,the base and the limit are right.how can i verfy the correctness of my Interrupt Descriptor Table?
It's a tricky thing and I'm not an expert on protected mode interrupts. Your best bet is to ask on the OSDev forums at http://forum.osdev.org
Charlie Somerville