



I can't seem to find any information on this, so I turn to stackoverflow. How efficient are the iterators of std::tr1::unordered_map in C++? Especially compared to, say, list iterators. Would it make sense to make a wrapper class that also holds all the keys in a list to allow for efficient iteration (my code does use a lot of iteration over the keys in an unordered_map). For those who will recommend boost, I can't use it (for whatever reasons).

+6  A: 

The unordered_map iterator basically just has to walk over the internal tree structure of the hashtable. This just means doing some pointer following, and so should be pretty efficient. Of course, if you are walking an unordered_map a lot, you may be using the wrong data structure in the first place. In any case, the answer to this, as it is for all performance questions, is for you to time your specific code to see if it is fast enough.

+3  A: 

I haven't checked TR1, but N3035 (C++0x draft) says this:

All the categories of iterators require only those functions that are realizable for a given category in constant time (amortized). Therefore, requirement tables for the iterators do not have a complexity column.

The standard isn't going to give an efficiency guarantee other than in terms of complexity, so you have no guaranteed comparison of list and unordered_map other than that they're both amortized constant time (i.e., linear time for a complete iteration over the container).

In practice, I'd expect an unordered_map iterator to be at least in the vicinity of list, unless your hashmap is very sparsely populated. There could be an O(number of buckets) term in the complexity of the complete iteration. But I've never looked at even one implementation specifically of unordered_map for C++, so I don't know what adornments to expect on a simplistic "array of linked lists" hashtable implementation. If you have a "typical" platform test it, if you're trying to write code that will definitely be the fastest possible on all C++ implementations then tough luck, you can't ;-)

Steve Jessop
+3  A: 

Unfortunately, you can't say for sure if something is efficient enough unless you've tried it and measured the results. I can tell you that the standard library, TR1, and Boost classes have had tons of eyes on them. They're probably as fast as they're going to get for most common use cases. Walking an container is certainly a common use case.

With all that said, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  1. What's the clearest way to say what I want? It may be that writing a wrapper class adds unneeded complexity to your code. Make it correct first, then make it fast.

  2. Can I afford the extra memory and time to maintain a list in parallel with the unordered_map?

  3. Is unordered_map really the right data structure? If your most common use case is traversal from beginning to end, you might be better off with vector because the memory is guaranteed to be contiguous.
