Hi folks, I have a dump of a windows service i made. The exception is that my code can't move a file (for some reason). Now, in my code there's a number of places where i move files around the filesystem. So, using Windbg, i'm trying to see the code where the exception occurs.
here's my !clrstack dump..
0:016> !clrstack -p
OS Thread Id: 0xdf8 (16)
Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
0000000019edea70 0000064278a15e4f System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32, System.String)
errorCode = <no data>
maybeFullPath = <no data>
0000000019edead0 0000064280181ce5 System.IO.File.Move(System.String, System.String)
sourceFileName = <no data>
destFileName = <no data>
0000000019edeb50 0000064280196532 MyClass.Foo.DoSomeStuffInHere(System.String)
this = 0x0000000000c30aa8
filePathAndName = 0x0000000000d1aad0
now, this helps a lot...
0:016> !do 0x0000000000d1aad0
Name: System.String
MethodTable: 00000642784365e8
EEClass: 000006427803e4f0
Size: 88(0x58) bytes
String: C:\BlahBlahFolder\FooFolder\4469.jpg
So i've figured out the file which failed to be moved. kewl. But i just want to see the code in this method MyClass.Foo.DoSomeStuffInHere(System.String) which calls File.Move(..). That method has lots of File.Move .. so i could put try / catches / debug / trace information .. but i'm hoping to be more efficient by using Windbg to help find this problem.
Any thoughts?