




What's the easiest way to convert a percentage to a color ranging from Green (100%) to Red (0%), with Yellow for 50%?

I'm using plain 32bit RGB - so each component is an integer between 0 and 255. I'm doing this in C#, but I guess for a problem like this the language doesn't really matter that much.

Based on Marius and Andy's answers I'm using the following solution:

double red = (percent < 50) ? 255 : 256 - (percent - 50) * 5.12;
double green = (percent > 50) ? 255 : percent * 5.12;
var color = Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)red, (byte)green, 0);

Works perfectly - Only adjustment I had to make from Marius solution was to use 256, as (255 - (percent - 50) * 5.12 yield -1 when 100%, resulting in Yellow for some reason in Silverlight (-1, 255, 0) -> Yellow ...

+1  A: 

As yellow is a mix of red and green, you can probably start with #F00 and then slide green up until you hit #FF0, then slide red down to #0F0:

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    var red = i < 50
        ? 255
        : 255 - (256.0 / 100 * ((i - 50) * 2));
    var green = i < 50
        ? 256.0 / 100 * (i * 2)
        : 255;
    var col = Color.FromArgb((int)red, (int)green, 0);

/EDIT: Wtf? Why do I get a downvote for a correct answer? Anyway, Andy's answer is better once you fix the typos and the missing conversion to double.

Konrad Rudolph
+4  A: 

In pseudocode.

  • From 0-50% your hex value would be FFxx00 where:

    XX = ( Percentage / 50 ) * 255 converted into hex.
  • From 50-100 your hex value would be xxFF00 where:

    XX = ((100-Percentage) / 50) * 255 converted into hex.

Hope that helps and is understandable.


Because it's R-G-B, the colors go from integer values of -1 (white), to -16777216 for black. with red green and yellow somewhere in the middle that. Yellow is actually -256, while red is -65536 and green is -16744448. So yellow actually isn't between red and green in the RGB notation. I know that in terms of wavelenghts, green is on one side, and red is on the other side of the spectrum, but I've never seen this type of notation used in computers, as the spectrum doesn't represent all visible colours.



+3  A: 

I made this function in JavaScript. It returns the color is a css string. It takes the percentage as a variable, with a range from 0 to 100. The algorithm could be made in any language:

function setColor(p){
    var red = p<50 ? 255 : Math.round(256 - (p-50)*5.12);
    var green = p>50 ? 255 : Math.round((p)*5.12);
    return "rgb(" + red + "," + green + ",0)";
+5  A: 

What you probably want to do is to assign your 0% to 100% some points in a HSV or HSL color-space. From there you can intrapolate colors (and yellow just happens to be between red and green :) and convert them to RGB. That will give you a nice looking gradient between the two.

Assuming that you will use the color as a status indicator and from a user-interface perspective, however, that is probably not such a good idea, since we're quite bad at seeing small changes in color. So dividing the value into, for example, three to seven buckets would give you more noticeable differences when things change, at the cost of some precision (which you most likely would not be able to appreciate anyway).

So, all the math aside, in the end I'd recommend a look-up-table with the following colors with v being the input value:

#e7241d for v <= 12%
#ef832c for v > 12% and v <= 36%
#fffd46 for v > 36% and v <= 60%
#9cfa40 for v > 60% and v <= 84%
#60f83d for v > 84%

These have been very naïvely converted from HSL values (0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (30.0, 1.0, 1.0), (60.0, 1.0, 1.0), (90.0, 1.0, 1.0), (120.0, 1.0, 1.0), and you might want to adjust the colors somewhat to suit your purposes (some don't like that red and green aren't 'pure').

Please see:

Henrik Gustafsson
Recently solving the same issue I decided that the difference between shades was not noticable as Henrik mentioned. I ended up just switching from 3 colors and ranges in the end.
Iain M Norman

I use the following Python routines to blend between colours:

def blendRGBHex(hex1, hex2, fraction):
    return RGBDecToHex(blendRGB(RGBHexToDec(hex1), 
                                RGBHexToDec(hex2), fraction))

def blendRGB(dec1, dec2, fraction):
    return [int(v1 + (v2-v1)*fraction) 
        for (v1, v2) in zip(dec1, dec2)]

def RGBHexToDec(hex):
    return [int(hex[n:n+2],16) for n in range(0,len(hex),2)]

def RGBDecToHex(dec):
    return "".join(["%02x"%d for d in dec])

For example:

>>> blendRGBHex("FF8080", "80FF80", 0.5)

Another routine wraps this to blend nicely between numerical values for "conditional formatting":

def colourRange(minV, minC, avgV, avgC, maxV, maxC, v):
    if v < minV: return minC
    if v > maxV: return maxC
    if v < avgV:
        return blendRGBHex(minC, avgC, (v - minV)/(avgV-minV))
    elif v > avgV:
        return blendRGBHex(avgC, maxC, (v - avgV)/(maxV-avgV))
        return avgC

So, in Jonas' case:

>>> colourRange(0, "FF0000", 50, "FFFF00", 100, "00FF00", 25)
+1  A: 

I wrote this python function based on the javascript code. it takes a percentage as a decimal. also i have squared the value to keep the colours redder for longer down the percentage scale. I also narrowed the range of colours from 255 to 180 to give a darker red and green at each end. these can be played with to give nice colours. I'd like to add a touch of orange in the middle, but i gotta get on with proper work, boo.

def getBarColour(value):
    red = int( (1 - (value*value) ) * 180 )
    green = int( (value * value )* 180 )

    red = "%02X" % red
    green = "%02X" % green

    return '#' + red + green +'00'

My solution for ActionScript 3:

var red:Number = (percentage <= 50) ? 255 : 256 - (percentage - 50) * 5.12;
var green:Number = (percentage >= 50) ? 255 : percentage * 5.12;

var redHex:Number = Math.round(red) * 0x10000;
var greenHex:Number = Math.round(green) * 0x100;

var colorToReturn:uint = redHex + greenHex;