
Consider a more top-down approach, rather than bottom-up. Instead of trying to have your settings class read a value from the GUI, instead have the GUI set the value in the settings class when the GUI value changes. I use a similar approach in an application of my own and my settings class has a public ReloadValues() method that can be invoked if I make changes to the backing data store.

Nathan Taylor
Not really sure I follow you. I have two questions. How will I see the settings class from my project? The change is already working just not sure how to see the current value across the projects. Could you be a little more elaborate ?
How are you exposing the settings class/library to the rest of your project currently?
Nathan Taylor
Now I do not expose it at all, only the main application can see it.

Okay sort of I managed to do what I wanted however it does not looks good as any modification to the menu path will cause a non-functionality.

var alfa = ((((Application.OpenForms[0].Controls["_menustripMenu"] 
                                             as System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip).
                                      as System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem).
                                      as System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem).
                              as System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem).Checked;

Any cleaner solution ?
