




Anyone know why CSS provides "color:" for text, but does not have "font-color:" or "text-color:"?

Seems very counter-intuitive.. kind of like "text-decoration: bold" rather than "font-style: ".

I must be new here.


Seriously, does anyone know why/how the w3c came up with such a wide array of CSS names like this?

+8  A: 

The same way Boston came up with its street plan. They followed the cow paths already there, and built houses where the streets weren't, and after a while it was too much trouble to change.

+1 for an original, yet realistic and non-snarky answer. :)
Unfortunately these are the same people wagging their fingers at the community for using tables as layout structures for so long when CSS fails to provide an equivalent layout grid.
Spencer Ruport
+1 for referencing my hometown :-)
@Spencer: Indeed. I also love how using <div align="center"> was frowned upon and I was told to use "margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" instead. Which didn't work nearly as well in that case. Also love being told to never use <br /> tags and make a DIV to handle breaks, which makes sense in SOME instances, but I think my team may have some issues with "classic" HTML.
Fred Wilson
@Fred - Yeah that's why I've continued using tables. Hopefully HTML 5 will have a grid tag.
Spencer Ruport
+5  A: 

I would think that one reason could be that the color is applied to things other than font. For example:

div {
    border: 1px solid;
    color: red;

Yields both a red font color and a red border.

Alternatively, it could just be that the W3C's CSS standards are completely backwards and nonsensical as evidenced elsewhere.

Thanks for this. The question is a bit of a troll, but it's nice to know I'm not completely nuts. We have a CSS ninja on our team and she likes to make life really interesting.
Fred Wilson