Suppose I have the following data model:
Entity Person
Attribute name String
Attribute personType String
Attribute dailyRecords
Entity CarpenterDailyRecord
Attribute numberOfNailsHammered Int
Attribute picNameOfFinishedCabinet String
Entity WindowWasherDailyRecord
Attribute nameOfBuildingWashed String
Attribute numberOfWindowsWashed Int
I would like to establish a to-many relationship between the Person.dailyRecords and 1 of the daily record entities (which changes depending on the person type). Of course, i could create a CarpenterPerson and WindowWasher entity which each points to it's unique daily record structure, but i have to group people together in my app somehow.
so if i do a Group Entity:
Entity Group Attribute people array
i'm still stuck. how do i point to multiple & different Person entities?
There must be an obvious answer, it's just i'm so new to all of this. thanks!