So I have moved a website and am trying to 301 redirect everything, which I do quite often so this is a weird problem but probably something stupid I'm not seeing.
ALL of my redirects are working fine, except any redirect that the first string starts with "/Dining" or "/dining" are failing. For example, this redirect works fine-
Redirect 301 /healthfitness/teeth.cfm /healthcare/pretty-teeth well as 100s of others.
But all of these are failing (many more than I'm showing)-
Redirect 301 /Dining/diningreviews/vawines.cfm /shopping/wines-2004
Redirect 301 /Dining/diningathome/carrotcake.cfm /home-garden/carrot-cake-2003
Redirect 301 /Dining/diningathome/oldvarolls.cfm /home-garden/virginia-rolls-2003
Redirect 301 /Dining/diningathome/pumpkincake.cfm /home-garden/pumpkin-cake-2003
The top of my .htaccess file looks like this-
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
#uploaded files
RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/$ index.php [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*wp-content/plugins.*
RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-content/blogs.php?file=$2 [L]
# add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*/wp-admin$
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ $1/ [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule . - [L]
RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-.*) $2 [L]
RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*\.php)$ $2 [L]
RewriteRule . index.php [L]
<IfModule mod_security.c>
<Files async-upload.php>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
#Everything below here are Redirect 301s