




Consider the following data structure:

List<Person> People;
class Person { 
  List<Car> Cars; 
  List<Hobby> Hobbies;

I want to bind a TreeView to this structure. And it should look like this:

> Frank
  > Cars
    > BMW
    > Ford
  > Hobbies
    > Tennis
    > Golf
> Jane
  > Cars
  > Hobbies

How can this be achieved in XAML? Here's what I've got so far:

    <DataTemplate x:Key="PersonTemplate">
      <TextBlock Header="{Binding Name}">
            <MenuItem Header="Remove" />

  <TreeViewItem Header="{Binding Name}"IsExpanded="True" >
    <TreeViewItem Header="People" 
             ItemsSource="{Binding People}"
            ItemTemplate="{StaticResource PersonTemplate}">

This is a follow up question to binding-a-treeview-with-contextmenu-in-xaml

+4  A: 

This is a great way to get started using MVVM for treeview binding:


Gurdas Nijor
You beat me to it :-) This is such a clean abstraction of presentation and data(Model)-layer. I've actually used Josh's example in production code and it works beautifully.
I agree, working through this specific sample really made everything click for me.
Gurdas Nijor
Ok, this looks interesting. I'm going to do some further reading tomorrow. Are you recommending to use a ViewModel like: class PersonViewModel { object[] Items = { new CarsViewModel(), new HobbiesViewModel() } ? Thus creating a ViewModel for every TreeViewItem I want to display?
Michael Stoll