



I am writing a sql query which involves finding if timestamp falls in particular range of days.

I have written that in the postgres but it doesn't works in Oracle and SQL Server:

AND creation_date < (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '5 days')
AND creation_date >= (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '15 days')

Is there are common way to compare the timestamp across different databases?


I don't believe there is common syntax that'll work across all database engines. In SQL Server, you do it like this:

AND creation_date BETWEEN DateAdd(dd, -5, GetUtcDate()) AND DateAdd(dd, -15, GetUtcDate())

I'm not sure about Oracle...

Dean Harding

Oracle (I have tested both of these solutions):

AND (creation_date BETWEEN sysdate-15 AND sysdate-6)

This syntax is also valid:

AND (creation_date BETWEEN current_timestamp - INTERVAL '15' DAY 
                       AND current_timestamp - INTERVAL '6' DAY)

Note that SYSDATE and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP are synonymous (sort of - see comments).

Note that BETWEEN returns values inclusive of the bounds. Since you are looking for values which are >= date-15 but < date-5, you need to specify -15 to -6 when using BETWEEN. The answers using an upper bound of -5 with a BETWEEN expression are wrong.

It's backwards, and the intended upper limit value is incorrect.
OMG Ponies
@Ponies: Thanks; that was sloppy of me. Fixed.
Not a big deal but in Oracle SYSDATE and CURRENT_DATE are synonymous and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is similar but of type TIMESTAMP instead of DATE.
Scott Bailey
Thanks for pointing that out.
+1  A: 

I'm not a SQL Server expert but I know this works on Oracle and Postgres and I suspect it may work on MSSQL but have no way to test it ATM.

AND creation_date < (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '5' day)
AND creation_date >= (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '15' day)

Or if you are using the date type instead of timestamp, you could do this but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work on MSSQL. And the DATE type is quite different between Oracle and Pg.

AND creation_date < CURRENT_DATE - 5
AND creation_date >= CURRENT_DATE - 15

As was noted in the comments for OMG Ponies, you can only add ints to Date types not timestamps. (Oracle silently casts the timestamp to date)

Scott Bailey
You could CAST both fields to a DATE type to fix the problem with integers: CAST(creation_date AS DATE) < CURRENT_DATE - 5
Frank Heikens
So I'm testing on SQL Server this morning and I'm amazed to find that it doesn't have an interval type. But it looks like in 2008 they added a date data type so the current_date - 5 may work there. Otherwise you'll have to add an implicit cast for timestamp -> date in Postgres and use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP... assuming that having a single query that will run on all three is really that important.
Scott Bailey