



My desktop application serializes objects using XmlSerializer. I was suggested to leverage DataContractSerializer instead.
Under which scenarios should I use DataContractSerializer?

Many thanks

1. The output XML file is stored locally. No other applications deserialize objects from that XML file.
2. My application runs with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

+1  A: 

Dan Rigsby has the ultimate post on this - go read it!

XmlSerializer vs. DataContractSerializer

He says all there is to say, and it a very convincing way.

In short:

XmlSerializer is:

  • been around for a long time
  • is "opt-out"; everything public gets serialized, unless you tell it not to ([XmlIgnore])

DataContractSerializer is:

  • new kid in town
  • optimized for speed (about 10% faster than XmlSerializer, typically)
  • in "opt-in" - only stuff you specifically mark as [DataMember] will be serialized
  • doesn't support XML attributes (for speed reasons)