Hello -- I'm trying to get all property names / values from an Outlook item. I have custom properties in addition to the default outlook item properties. I'm using redemption to get around the Outlook warnings but I'm having some problems with the GetNamesFromIDs method on a Redemption.RDOMail Item....
I'm using my redemption session to get the message and trying to use the message to get the names of all the properties.
Dim rMessage as Redemption.RDOMail = _RDOSession.GetMessageFromID(EntryID, getPublicStoreID())
Dim propertyList As Redemption.PropList = someMessage.GetPropList(Nothing)
For i As Integer = 1 To propertyList.Count + 1
Console.WriteLine(someMessage.GetNamesFromIDs(________, propertyList(i)))
I'm not totally sure what to pass in as the first parameter to getNamesFromIDs. The definition of GetNamesFromIDs is as follows:
GetNamesFromIDs(MAPIProp as Object, PropTag as Integer) As Redemption.NamedProperty
I'm not totally sure what should be passed in as the MAPIProp object. I don't see this property referenced in the documentation. http://www.dimastr.com/redemption/rdo/MAPIProp.htm#properties
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.