I have class1.m . I declared a method and written in it. Now i need to call it into another class. How can I make it? Can we use extern for it like we use for variables. Thank you.
You should separate your declaration and definition, and place the declaration for class1 in class1.h. Then, you should include class1.h using #import "class1.h"
in your source file for class2. Within class2, you can instantiate and use class1 as follows:
class1* instance_of_class1 = [[class1 alloc] init]; [class1 invokeMyMethod];
When you are done using your instance, be sure to decrement the reference count via release as in:
[instance_of_class1 release]; instance_of_class1 = nil;
Michael Aaron Safyan
2010-03-24 07:02:36
Thank You.I had a method (method1) in in Class1. I declared it in Class1.h and implemented in Class1.m. I have Class2 and it have a selector:@selector(method1). In this case how can I do it ?
srikanth rongali
2010-03-24 07:29:07
It is more efficient to simply call the method directly using [instance method1]. However, if you need to use dynamic typing and invoke the selector in that way, you can use the "performSelector" method which is defined in NSObject (which should be a base class, either directly, or indirectly of your class).
Michael Aaron Safyan
2010-03-24 08:11:08
I highly recommend reading Apple's Objective-C Programming Guide which will cover the fundamentals you need to know.
2010-03-24 07:49:13