




I am trying to replicate a forum function by getting the last reply of a post.

For clarity, see PHPBB: there are four columns, and the last column is what I like to replicate.

I have my tables created as such:

  • discussion_id (primary key)
  • user_id
  • parent_id
  • comment
  • status
  • pubdate

I was thinking of creating a Link Table that would update for each time the post is replied to.

The link table would be as follow:

  • discussion_id (primary key)
  • last_user_id
  • last_user_update

However, I am hoping that theres a advance query to achieve this method. That is, grabbing each Parent Discussion, and finding the last reply in each of those Parent Discussions.

Am I right that there is such a query?

Here is a update. I am still having a little trouble but I feel like I am almost there.

My current query:

`user_id` as `last_user_id`, 
`user_name` as `last_user_name` 
FROM `table1`, `table2`
WHERE `table1`.`id` = `table2`.`user_id`



Adding this:

GROUP BY `parent_id`

Turns it into:


But I want it to turn it into:


Id 30, and ID 33 share the same parent_id: NULL but they are the "starting thread" or the "parent post"

They should not be combined, how would I go on by "Grouping" but "ignoring" null values?


You want GROUP BY. This should work out OK:

SELECT MAX(`pubdate`), `discussion_id`, `user_id` FROM `table` GROUP BY `parent_id`

You'll obviously need to fill in an appropriate the WHERE clause and LIMIT as needed.

This would result in an error, stating that 'discussion_id' and 'user_id' must included in either an aggregate or the group by.
@Fabian, no it doesn't..? If the `GROUP BY` clause weren't there, then it would.
@jasonbar Fabian's correct! You would need to either put `discussion_id`, `user_id`in the GROUP BY or aggregate them.
Martin Smith
I think mysql (unlike other databases) does let you run that query. but i think there are multiple possible values you could get for the non-aggregated columns, so the results are not necessarily correct
Tom Haigh
@Martin Smith, Did you actually try to run a similar query? It works just fine.
No, Sorry I actually wasn't aware that MySQL was different in that respect. I still can't see anywhere that it is documented that given multiple discussion_ids for a parent_id that it will choose the "right" one though (e.g. http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/debunking-group-by-myths.html implies it can be completely arbitrary)
Martin Smith
+2  A: 

This query will take the highest (thus assuming latest) discussion per parent_id. Not the neatest solution however ...

select discussion_id, user_id, pubdate
from tablename
where discussion_id in
  select max(discussion_id)
  from tablename
  group by parent_id
When grouping the Parent_Id, it also group those that are Null. The one that are null are not suppose to be group because they are the parent_id themselves. How can I group by the parent_id but ignore the nulls?
+1  A: 

You could try something like this:

SELECT parent.discussion_id, 
child.discussion_id as last_discussion_id,
child.user_id as last_user_id,
child.pubdate as last_user_update
FROM Discussion parent
INNER JOIN Discussion child ON ( child.parent_id = parent.discussion_id )
LEFT OUTER JOIN Discussion c ON ( c.parent_id = parent.discussion_id AND c.discussion_id > child.discussion_id)
WHERE c.discussion_id IS NULL

The left join to Discussion c will not match when you have the post with the highest id, which should be the row that you want.

Tom Haigh