



After tracing the DB activity from a DNN 5.2.3 site I noticed that there are numerous identical calls to the database whilst loading the home page for the first time (afterwards the caching works successfully).

//Procedure : Number of executions

exec dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName @ApplicationName=N'DotNetNuke',@UserName=N'MYDOMAIN\ME',@UpdateLastActivity=0,@CurrentTimeUtc='2010-03-24 10:04:15:223' : 22

exec dbo.GetPortalAliasByPortalID @PortalID=0 : 15

exec dbo.GetUserProfile @UserID=8 : 11

exec dbo.GetUser @PortalID=0,@UserID=8 : 10

exec dbo.GetDatabaseVersion  : 2

exec dbo.GetUserCountByPortal @PortalId=0: 2

exec dbo.GetDesktopModules  : 2

exec dbo.KB_XMod_Forms_List @PortalId=0 : 2

exec dbo.KB_XMod_Templates_List @PortalId=0,@TemplateType=-1 : 2

Why so many duplicates?


Make sure you are not working under SuperUser account and "Host settings\Advanced\Performance setting" is set to "Heavy Caching".

I'm logging in as an Administrator and it is set to heavy caching. I don't imagine caching will help when it comes to initial user authentication.
David Neale
I'm not sure about Administrator, but under "host" account DNN performance drops significantly due to repetitive DB queries.