



Recently I tried compiling program something like this with GCC:

int f(int i){
    if(i<0){ return 0;}
    return f(i-1);

and it ran just fine. When I inspected the stack frames the compiler optimized the program to use only one frame, by just jumping back to the beginning of the function and only replacing the arguments to f. And - the compiler wasn't even running in optimized mode.

Now, when I try the same thing in Python - I hit maximum recursion wall (or probably stack overflow if i set recursion depth too high).

Is there way that a dynamic language like python can take advantage of these nice optimizations? Maybe it's possible to use a compiler instead of an interpreter to make this work?

Just curious!

+4  A: 

It has nothing to do with the fact that it is a dynamic language or that it is interpreted. CPython just doesn't implement Tail Recursion optimization. You may find that JPython etc do.

Really? I thought one of the strong points of compilation was for looking for such optimisation strategies? I agree that it doesn't matter if the program is compiled or interpreted, but the optimisation is a strong candidate for the strengths of compilation, one being that you can look for tail recursion.
@WeNeed Even if the language is interpreted it can still go through an optimization phase it just can't be as long as with something like C.
@Yacoby, does that mean then that it is a lot nicer and easier for the interpreter, if you tell it before hand that it needs to do some optimising, like in F# and the "rec" keyword?
+6  A: 

When I inspected the stack frames the compiler optimized the program to use only one frame, by just jumping back to the beginning of the function and only replacing the arguments to f.

What you're describing is called "tail recursion". Some compilers/interpreters support it, some don't. Most don't, in fact. As you noticed, gcc does. And in fact, tail recursion is a part of the spec for the Scheme programming language, so all Scheme compilers/interpreters must support tail recursion. On the other hand, the compilers for languages like Java and Python (as well as most other languages, I'd wager) don't do tail recursion.

Is there way that a dynamic language like python can take advantage of these nice optimizations?

Do you mean, right now, or are you asking in more abstract terms? Speaking abstractly, yes! It would absolutely be possible for dynamic languages to take advantage of tail recursion (Scheme does, for example). But speaking concretely, no, CPython (the canonical Python interpreter) doesn't have a flag or other parameter to enable tail recursion.

Are functional programs already looking for the tail recursive problem because of the nature of using the stack so much whilst imperatives such as C#, Java, are using mainly heap storage. Curious enough though, 64 bit .net doesn't blow the stack, although 32 bit version does.I know that in F#, the work around is making the function recursive by declaring it so in syntax (rec).
+12  A: 

The optimisation you're talking about is known as tail call elimination - a recursive call is unfolded into an iterative loop.

There has been some discussion of this, but the current situation is that this will not be added, at least to cpython proper. See Guido's blog entry for some discussion.

However, there do exist some decorators that manipulate the function to perform this optimisation. They generally only obtain the space saving though, not time (in fact, they're generally slower)

What about the stackless python? Does it implement tail call optimization?
@drozzy: Not entirely sure. I think it may. I have tried it out on pypy (including the stackless version), but it doesn't look like it implements it (at least currently)

The following code contains a recursion function which is giving an error: I think the problem is the len(childLinks)==0 which cant be true bcoz web page will definately contain link so len of childLinks will never be zero and this recursive function will go into infinite loop.What should i do in order to come out of the infinite loop.

import sgmllib

import urllib, sgmllib

import sys


class Parser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):

def parse(self, s):
    "Parse the given string 's'."

def __init__(self, verbose=0):
    "Initialise an object, passing 'verbose' to the superclass."
    sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__(self, verbose)
    self.hyperlinks = []
    self.inside_a_element = 0

def start_a(self, attributes):
    "Process a hyperlink and its 'attributes'."

    for name, value in attributes:
        if name == "href":
            self.inside_a_element = 1

def end_a(self):
    "Record the end of a hyperlink."
    self.inside_a_element = 0

def get_hyperlinks(self):
    "Return the list of hyperlinks."
    return self.hyperlinks

def process_page(self, parentNode):

    print "parent :: ", parentNode.nodeName

    file= urllib.urlopen(parentNode.nodeName)
    data =
    parser = Parser()
    childLinks = parser.get_hyperlinks()
    if len(childLinks) == 0:
        print "Leaf Node :: ", parentNode.nodeName

    for childLink in childLinks:
        childNode = Node(childLink)
        print "   Child :: ", childNode.nodeName

class Node(object):

def __init__(self, nodeName=None, children=[]):
    self.nodeName = nodeName
    self.children = children

def print_info(self):
    print "RootNode", "<" + self.rootNode + ">"

def getNodeName(self):
    return nodeName

def setNodeName(self,value):

def getParentNode(self):
    return parentNode

def setChildren(children):

def addChild(self, child):

def getChildren(self):
    return children

def setRootNode(self,rootNode):

def getRootNode(self):
    return self.rootNode

def getFirstChild():
    return firstChild

class TreeCreator:

def __init__(self, startURL):
    self.startURL = startURL

def createTree(self):
    node = Node(startURL)
    return node

def printTree(self, node):
    print node.nodeName
    children = node.children

    if len(children) == 0 :

    for childNode in children:
        print "   ->" ,childNode.nodeName

if name == 'main':

treeCreator =TreeCreator(startURL)
nodeTree = treeCreator.createTree()

Kindly suggest something.
